Yeah... that's the title given to me by none other than
yours truly :-) Well, why shouldn't I.. when I have all the reasons for a self-proclamation... Family and friends are the imperative factors in any individual 's life.... which is very true in my life.I've jus handful of friends whom i can truly rely upon for anything and everything under the sun.
TG,C,S,V, are the integral part of mine... Sharing 14 years of realtionship ... I hold them tight closely to my heart and i go down the memory lane to my good old schoo days.
Tg : My darling :)she's one girl who had never failed to amuse me with kind of mellowness she would face life, and have never seen loosing her cool whatever may be the intensity of problems ..even with so many years rolled out.. she still does it.. but if truth to be told, i really love the moments when she would unexpectedly bring out the hidden child in her.. I LOVE YOU di.. for whatever you are...
C The most respectable friend i have.. With tons of responsibilities sitting right on top of his head, I've never seen him in a goaded or in a dreary mood.. believe me!!! though the almighty has been lil injustice, he's always accepted it with a welcoming and confident smile... You go ahead da!! am really proud of you...:-)
S My partner in all the mischevious operations!! Infact s and me were friends from second standard... Forthrightly, it was both of us who were the happy-go-lucky ones of our gang..Though this guy would seem to be playful.. he's always been focussed.. n that's the reason he's now the member of the most privileged institution
ICAI.hmmm.. ya you heard it right.. am now a proud friend of an young chartered account:-)...
V she's the newbie of our gang,who's gonna become the integral part of s :-).and now my only wish is let the almighty give rest three of us the same kind of life-partners.:-)
I cherish those moments we spent together and they are still afresh in my memories ... which will always remain till the curtains of my life comes to a draw finally... you are my priced possessions...
Like someone wrote :
Vannangalaga thanitthu vanthom...
Vanvil aga seirundhu nindrom...We all met as strangers,and as the time flew, became the best est of friends... saw each other grow from child to adult.. and would still see the transformation with generations coming....