Friday, November 13, 2009
Desu Chudayya… Pardes bulayya…
Friday, July 10, 2009
Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna..
No more those long hours of drowning in to the system; No more of those frantic calls from the clients; No more gossiping with friends over the cup of coffee; No more of those long sometimes sensical and many a times non-sensical meetings and there are many more which could be added to the never-ending list. It’s for a life of about three years to which I’d bid adieu yesterday with a heavy heart. Yes, now you are now reading this space of an educated, skilled unemployed youth :). I was fresh out of college when I'd joined work and I was this all this over- enthusiastic girl who was all geared up for a new challenge to face. Right from then life was a roller coaster ride with sea of joyful , cherishing and at times depressing waves touching me. It has made me what am today. And this phase of life did give in that confidence and it DID bring that pride in me. On the flip side, like any other it had its own unfavourable effects on me. There are a lot of things in life that I’d given a miss, some which are irrevocable, irreconcilable. I crossed the threshold of my most imperative phase of life with a hasten. I’d become work alcoholic without even me becoming conscious about it. Under stably, I cannot blame work, as in, for it as should have been ‘me’ who should have struck a balance between work and life. On the whole it was a real ‘experience’ which can be looked back and cherish those once-for-all moments.
And that also means that there’s a new beginning not only on the professional side but on the geographical side which was the sole reason behind this ‘unemployed’ state of mind. Yes, I would be soon go away leaving behind my motherland; my culture; my heritage on the whole.
More to come on this .... :)
What a Shame!!!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
If only I could..
Remembering my classmates,after few years,
My eyes were filled with tears,
Everyone now is busy a lot,
No one escaped from detiny's plot
Saw the girl whome once I thought as my best friend,
oops today she is somebody else's girl friend,
After months, remembered about her for a little while,
Heard she is happy, that made me smile.
Project reviews to Campus Interviews,
Nicknames to last bench games,
cultural rehersald to love proposals,
short term crushes to class room blushes.
Everything is fresh in our mind,
wish life could just rewind,
Let's laugh, play and rejoice,
Once again become college guys.
Chatting and laughing, we all were in elation,
till the painful moment of separation,
when it was time to part,
we returned with a heavy heart.
Today life is full of commitments,
And too many worries,
But those cherished moments,
Will live forever in our memories!!!!If only I could go back on a time machine and relive those moments..
Thursday, June 11, 2009
We will Miss u Anna, For ever and ever..
Friday, May 22, 2009
Revelation of Parenthood
There's something like a line of gold thread running through a man's words whenReading few others, I couldn’t stop myself in thinking about my own dad (though this might be like off the topic). While my mother did carry the entire burden in raising us while dad was solely the bread winner of the family. Thanks to his marketing job, he was always on his heels living mostly on the intercity trains and buses for a long term official tour making a rare guest appearance. But as time conceded and when I was growing into this ‘rationale’ girl or rather woman, I did appreciate how my father had helped mom in raising us in a roundabout way. He has and probably will never get in the way in any of my mom’s decision more than ever if it involving us. He will also not impede on any of our own lives. He has always let us been ourselves and has never tried to change things in us. True to the words of an eminent persona, my father did not tell us how to live but lived and let me watch him do it. Though we, or at least I, did miss the charisma of the father figure at home but yet doubtless, I’ve a space for myself where I could dispense out emotion, if only my father was introduced to these platforms, he could have been even more articulate.
he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough
for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love
itself. ~John Gregory Brown, Decorations in a Ruined Cemetery, 1994
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Being Me – II

***There was a star danced, and under that was I born***
More to come but as of now ….. It’s just a very Happy Birthday to Me… :)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Am Done!!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
A self revelation :)
You Are Ceramics |
![]() You are open to the world and it's possibilities. You are able to start something without knowing how it will end. You trust your intuition above everything else. Going with your gut often works out. You believe that every day objects can and should be art. The best art allows ordinary life to be more stylish and beautiful. |
Monday, May 18, 2009
A New-fangled Me... :)
Change is the only permanent thing in this worldI hope this change is just not restricted with the design but to my stance even.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Raja Ko Rani se Pyar ho Gaya – Part II

Our engagement was fixed in a very short span of two weeks without the dates of the D -Day being finalized. Though we’d mutually agreed on the proposal but we still remained unfamiliar person to each other. Thanks to HD, we decided to have the wedding on the later part of the year amidst the furor and resistance from both our families. I had a strong belief that this period of our courting would be the underpinning of my life and so I was determined to take this prospect and get to know each other. But alas, the first three months went off with not much of it as he was preparing for his dream run certified examination and hence didn’t want to disturb him much. And hence there were not much congregation it was jus those long sessions over phone... especially during the night time which would be a fitting time for repose. Now coming to the dot - the guy himself. On the first day, it was like two full-grown people sitting across the table and discussing their lives and there was nothing much further to it with neither of us not having much expectation. I must confide here that even during our engagement period we were unfamiliar person to each other. But then am really not sure of how & when exactly did I start adoring him but definitely not during our initial days, probably it just evolved with time. What really can I say about this wonderful guy?? He’s so unlike me on all aspects, be it on his endurance level, considerate; he jus charms on anything and everything he does. I would definitely say that man plays a very crucial role in keeping his family intact and also not hurt himself in the progression. Because it’s very evident that a woman leaves behind everything and enters into another family trusting none but solely her companion. Her life restarts again with him being the central point and this I could proudly say my HD has lucratively crossed without a twinge to anyone. He took the initiative of disseminating his home to me way before the moment I could actually step into his life made my ‘transition’ much simpler. There are few things which I really do not have to tell him out loud but it could have jus been done. In this entire period of me knowing him, I’ve never really seen him loosing his cool for what ever biggest mistakes I might have committed. On the contrary to me, he’s never spoken anything beyond his control even while he hit his highest point of anger. There might have been contemplations like as to what big deal is this all about, but the point here is that we were not married after a long period of courtship. And while we were actually courting, we'd almost reached a stage where it was irreversible. And now with all this am really not going to even think of reversing. I just thought about him and nothing else while I knew anything besides that could be jus fleeting away with time. What could have happened if not him, probably my journey could have been different somewhere. But I could have truly missed being the WIFE of this wonderful person; and I really mean it from the bottom of my heart…
And now am leaving this much loved song of mine to this wonderful person im much sync with my mood.. :-)
To Be Continued…
Until my life curtains comes to a draw..
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Unsung songster

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Am hurt… deeply...
Friday, April 3, 2009
Friend, My Earnest Apologies….
I first met you during the days of my "golden phase". You were a complete stranger and we would jus meet occasionally for one of our leisure period... You were fair skinned, vivacious, enterprising and I could jus go on and on about you... I was, at that time, completely de -moralized, the trepidation of people who were good looking was so sturdy in me and that held in me reserved from you. You belonged to one of that "happening" gang from which I would completely distance myself due to the timidity of myself. But as days passed, you had initiated our amity or rather the liaison... We’d slowly become acquaintances ; we talked during the class hours; we messaged while we were apart; we’d those long hours of chatting sessions over phone ; And you were the one who introduced me to the coffee shops, plazas and the other happening hang-out places which honestly are alien land…. and slowly we’d become inseparable... But still on a remote corner of my heart, I was still fighting that freaking diffidence in me… I was unable to over come it completely... you didn’t know about it… or perhaps... I didn’t make you realize it... Time passed as our liaison grew stronger and deeper... You’d almost started confiding your’self’ to me... we were in complete revelation of each other... We found the solace in our relation ship... But yet, dear friend … I could not win over the downbeat emotion; as the time grew and with that we’d also grown and there was that awful day of separation... But still we made sure that we didn’t wobble our liaison... And one day you gave me that sweetest news of your significant other… You were jus SO into him … that you could keep raving about him even if it was a diminutive thing… I can still not forget that grin on your face with you’re already milk - fair cheeks turning pink when ever you get his call… But Dear friend, fate had other plans for us... Some how we lost in touch… It was almost a year that we were unable to commune... By then all good things had happened to you... You got married to this nice person with whom you were really in love... Truly, madly deeply…. And as a result... god had gifted you with little angel… But I wasn’t there to see all those… Am still not able to reason out as to how and why I let you go… I should have taken the least of measures for us to get back what we’d lost… perhaps.. Am I still suffering from that dread ful emotions…. Am not sure… I still hit myself very hard for what I’ve done… Is there anything that I cannot forgive myself is for loosing You… Some day or the other I believe that our paths will cross each other... And we might again have the same color in our life... But still... Am really not sure if I could muster up the courage to look into your eyes and confide everything to you...
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Struck by WILB!!???
Well, of late yes, there has been lot of browsing, blog hopping and have found many such interesting sites , blogs and so on.. But this has definitely not flawed the performance as rightly mentioned it has increased.. :-) Or probably its jus reckoning the statement given..
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Yaavarum Nalam: A Scary Date :-) !!!

It’s been a real long time since Maddy aka Madhavan’s had a Tamil release.. I should say, he’s one of the very finest actors who would portray the roles given to him in a very neat and decent style and does a complete justification to the characters he plays.
The Genre of the movie: I am that kind of a filmi fan who would like to watch a varied flavor of movies and has been long time since I’d watched a horror movie.
And that made me to insist on watching this movie. Ok, did it fulfill my hope?? I can say yes because the film is refreshingly different unlike the usual run-of-the-mill love stories or the vengeful films. There were no "ghostly" figures or some kind of voice which will frighten the audience. And the ghosts had come in different medium to scare us away. There were no caricatures of a person created jus to jolt the viewers. And on the performances area; Maddy has shouldered the movie with zeal. With subtle expressions on his face in romancing his wife, getting scared when he experiences strange things, in comedy sequences, worrying for his family members, Maddy enthrals the audience. That was a treat to watch him. Not to forget about Saranya who has portrayed the TV -Serial -mania -hit mother with an ease. Her portrayal of the character is quite natural that we can as well relate her to any person in our family.
On the flip side, yes, there were few flaws which we are at times quite inane, but no movie can be made blemish less and this movie is no exemption.
In a nutshell, the movie is worth the watch, at least for proletarian movie watchers like us, who would really not be concerned about how the movie was created.
Ok, now I will have to mention about my HD’s choice movies. He’s one person who likes to watch only the feel-good factor movies His objective of watching a movie is jus for the leisure and to him the movie HAS to end on a "they-lived-happily –ever- after" note. There must not even be an ounce of violence or this kind of horror. So, that would recapitulate on the kind of pressure I would have to put on to make him accept to watch the movie. It was really mirthful to see HD cuddle on to the seat with his hands closing his ears with "please-do-not kill –me" look on his face even and clinging on to my hands for support to the scenes which weren’t even a bit scary. It was rather a treat to watch him this way…:-)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Raja Ko rani Se Pyar ho gaya…. :-) PART-1
The 13th of Jan 2008 was the usual lazing Sunday morning until I received a call from this prospective to-be groom. He’d wanted to meet me in person before we could actually get into the proposal. And amidst lot of anxiety, I was getting prepared to meet a guy whom I’d never ever thought of his existence before. And there my mom was all over her heels and she was actually even more hyped than I could be and was giving away her thoughtful tips to me as though she was preparing me for the board exams. I personally was emotion-less!! As I really didn’t know how and what to react, probably I was cursing this entire system of arranged marriages. I didn’t have an ounce of clue of what exactly was it going to happen there or the least what should I really talk to this guy. With an unclear vision and mindful of thoughts I stepped into that meeting place with a delay of fifteen minutes against our scheduled time. And yeah, there THE GUY was,
We’d a small introduction and I spoke fewer words and then there yours truly jus got back to her shell and the Guy did the entire talking. We spoke about a lot of things and finally the Guy wound the discussion by saying; “ See, Iam very slow in deciding things and probably will take some time to decide on the same.. till then I think we can be friends:. And that was the signing off message from the guy. (Oh God!! What’s really happening around me!! I’d been to meet this guy who was supposedly the prospective groom to be but then here’s the guy informing that till he decides on things he wants jus to FRIENDS… Can imagine the kind of bewilderment I could have gone thro’) .. Ok I’d to come and announce my already apprehensive Mom regarding this meet.. And as guessed I gave her an even more baffled reply of our decision.. as I’d to put a big full stop to her never-ending questions .. After a day or two of this, I again received a message from the Guy saying he would like to meet me regarding his decision and finally we met and guess what!!! The guy declared his interest on proceeding with the proposal.. and guess what would have been the reply from yours truly… A Week’s time for me to decide….;-) well that was really not a vengeful act but I really wanted time to think as I’d not thought about the entire thing for the two days.. I didn’t want to.. Because I was really not sure of what the outcome of that meeting would be.. So I jus didn’t want to be an early bird and decide on things , if every thing turned the other way round( yeah I know I was lil pessimistic about that) But now, I’d to think about lot of things but my main concern was supporting my parents and my sponsor child… because to an extent both would be a life long commitment.. so whoever accepts me should accept for this even… But then again he crux of this situation was like if I don’t again sit and talk with him .. I might know what exactly runs thro’ his mind… so , again I called him and spoke my mind and wanted his thoughts on this.. And to my surprise.. he readily accepted it and was like “so what?? Jus like am supporting my family you could even.. so I don’t think this should be an issue…”
Even after this will yours truly delay the proceedings…J NEVER!! And so finally we gave the final go-ahead to our respective families… Yes, all this while the families were never in the picture and it was purely OUR decision to go ahead…
And then………
To Be Continued….